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151,023  232233172512
  Написать письмоВ последний раз был 18:12 25-12-13  
 » Боевой уровень: 8 (621,417) +238,583

 » Готовность армии: 100%
 » Мана: 10 / 10
 » Район: Empire Capital

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  Поставлено в рулетке: 845,486
  Выиграно в рулетке: 761,500
  Пройдено квестов: 0
  Всего боев: 943
  Выиграно: 808
  Проиграно: 135
  Всего игр: 11
  Выиграно: 6  
  Проиграно: 5  
  Осколок метеорита: 3
  Цветок ведьм: 1
  Ядовитый гриб: 4
  Рыцарь: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Некромант: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Маг: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Эльф: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Варвар: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Темный эльф: 2 (56.13) +33.9
  Демон: 6 (503.22) +396.8
  Гном: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Степной варвар: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Фараон: 0 (0.00) +20.0

  Гильдия Охотников: 4 (614.40) +85.6
  Гильдия Рабочих: 3 (478) +242
  Гильдия Картежников: 0 (6) +4
  Гильдия Воров: 2 (129) +111
  Гильдия Рейнджеров: 0 (0)
  Гильдия Наемников: 1 (82) +38
  Гильдия Тактиков: 0 (0.00)
  Гильдия Стражей: 0 (0.0)
  Гильдия Искателей: 0 (0) +1600
  Гильдия Лидеров: 0 (0) +80.0
  Гильдия Кузнецов: 0 (0.20) +29.8
  Гильдия Оружейников: 0 (16) +88 (+)
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Основы нападенияБоевое безумие
Личная информация
Dark-Hunters: "We are Darkness. We are Shadow. We are the Rulers of the Night. We, alone, stand between mankind and those who would see mankind destroyed. We are the Guardians. The Soulless Keepers. Our souls were cast out so that we would not forewarn the Daimons we pursue. By the time they see us coming, it's too late. The Daimons and Apollites know us. They fear us. We are death to all those who prey upon the humans. Neither Human, nor Apollite, we exist beyond the realm of the Living, beyond the realm of the Dead. We are the Dark-Hunters. And we are eternal.

Yeah, yeah. Enough of the doom and gloom because, baby, that ain't us. You want to know what a Dark-Hunter is? We are what the intro says. We're Mad, Bad and Immortal. We're ancient warriors with attitudes who fight rough, and play hard. We are the scary things that go bump in the night. And we love every minute of it. So when you think you're being watched. You just might be. The question is...is it something evil or is it one of us?"

To Admins:
My main is now Arikos and I sincerely apologies for anything this account did that multis aren't suppose to do becuase I really didn't expect to be able to login to Arikos again and so I made Arikas my main for a sort while and during that time I'd joined a clan and stayed in estates and posted on forum and my sincere apologies for that. I left what I wrote at the bottom here as proof and it no longer applies except for the multi not being played part.

Since I forgotten my old accounts password I am making this account my main until I can get my main back online again, and so that I don't breach game rules of having multiple toon Management any toons I used to have associated with my old account Arikos will no longer be played as of today 6/23/2012. 
2007-2024, онлайн игры HeroesWM