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  Ядовитый гриб: 2
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  Некромант: 5 (485.86) +14.1
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  Эльф: 0 (0.00) +20.0
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03-06-07 18:02: Зарегистрирован. Фракция: Некромант.
Linnaug: друг в реале, может заходить с моего компа. Просьба не банить.

The Land ofe the Dead

Where forest stream went through the wood
And silent all the stens there stood
Of tall trees, moveless, hanging dark
With mottled shadows on their bark

As faint as deepest sleeper's breath
An echo came as cold as death
Long are the paths, of shadow made
Where no foot's print is ever laid

No moon is there, no voice, no sound
Of beating heart; a sigh profound

Once in each age as each age dies
Alone is heard. Far, far it lies

The Land of Waiting where the Dead sit,
In their thought's shadow, by no moon lit

Upon the plain, there rushed forth and high
Shadows at dead end of night and mirrored in the skies

Far far away beyond might of day
And there lay the land of the dead of mortal cold decay


Mirdautas Vras
[Written in black language of Mordor]

Brus-kuluz taurzur burzu tiil-ob
Hush-ob dhurum agh ufum dhurum
Tor Vautu brus-troguz
Urgai-u gukh dump agh tiimor

Talaan-u ruk-ir tor uruk
Nauru-ir agh kragoru nursu grishurz
Nork-ulu furtun agh goth
Mordor-ob bot-tuk

Ghaash agh akul - Nazgul skoiz
Mirdautas vras!
Karn ghaamp agh nut
Shaut Manwe quiinubat gukh

A Good Day To Kill
[Translation (Narrator is Sauron)]

Dark have been my dreams of late
Of secret doubt and secret fear
A thousand years have passed away
To lay down doom and terror

To north ride on, a thousand orcs
On wolves with giant bloody fangs
They take the storm and power
Of Mordor through the world

Fire and Ice, the Nazgul fly
It is a good day to kill!
(Painted) red is Earth and sky
Even Manwe will bow down 
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