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2,759  004171717
  Написать письмоВ последний раз был 19:24 14-07-10  
 » Боевой уровень: 10 (1,690,478) +1,309,522

 » Готовность армии: 100%
 » Мана: 10 / 10
 » Район: Empire Capital

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  Поставлено в рулетке: 251,880
  Выиграно в рулетке: 183,700
  Пройдено квестов: 0
  Всего боев: 2,944
  Выиграно: 2,271
  Проиграно: 673
  Всего игр: 384
  Выиграно: 215 
  Проиграно: 169 
  Абразив: 1
  Огненный кристалл: 2
  Осколок метеорита: 1
  Ядовитый гриб: 2
  Рыцарь: 7 (1449.66) +150.3
  Некромант: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Маг: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Эльф: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Варвар: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Темный эльф: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Демон: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Гном: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Степной варвар: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Фараон: 0 (0.00) +20.0

  Гильдия Охотников: 5 (976.08) +223.9
  Гильдия Рабочих: 5 (2099) +901
  Гильдия Картежников: 6 (215) +65
  Гильдия Воров: 3 (366) +34
  Гильдия Рейнджеров: 0 (0)
  Гильдия Наемников: 4 (631) +369
  Гильдия Тактиков: 0 (0.00)
  Гильдия Стражей: 0 (0.0)
  Гильдия Искателей: 0 (0) +1600
  Гильдия Лидеров: 0 (0) +80.0
  Гильдия Кузнецов: 1 (41.53) +38.5
  Гильдия Оружейников: 0 (83) +21 (+)
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Личная информация
noop: he plays like a noob in hunts and you lose because of his foolish playing
-Malik-: plays with 20 AP in max 11 AP games and additionally makes fun of the weaker player
neffov: plays in no art games with full arts
GIGANT: uses arts in no art games
Balinom: plays in no art/no 2nd tier upgrade games with arts AND upgrade!

very curtly: http://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=14543166

I do not pay helpers in hunts, nor do I expect payment for my help.
The skill points and the hunters artifact chance are good enough for me.

I'm repairing artifacts for list price.
Current maximum: 20%.

I want to become an expert armor enchanter (if u want to enchant weapons, PM to Musculus, he is at 2x4% Weaponsmith), that's the whole reason for the following offer:

I will enchant armors for free (even with a generous payment to you!!!) if given the armor and materials. Current maximum: 4%.

My proposed way of going about this:
Send me the piece of armor you want enchanted for x days and 0 battles with allowed repair (ensuring its return and enchantment) as well as the needed elements.

I will pay you up to 1000 gold per transferred item/element (I see it as enchanter's education fee as well a little incentive for you to take my offer).

As soon as the enchantment is finished (and I'm online), I will send it back ahead of time, too.
If I actually do build a waiting list, I will post it in my profile.

enchantment element costs (1%):
Decrease attack of charging stack: 1 Moonstone, 1 Abrasive
Earth magic shield: 1 Meteorite Shard
Air magic shield: 1 Windflower
Water magic shield: 1 Ice Crystal
Fire magic: 1 Fire Crystal
The number of needed elements increases according to the percentage, so 2% need 2 of the elements, 3% need 3 of the elements.

I certainly hope I can tempt you to use my services, PM me about it. 
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