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1,456,133  145317000
  Написать письмоВ последний раз был 22:53 08-07-13  
 » Боевой уровень: 11 (4,876,090) +123,910

 » Готовность армии: 100%
 » Мана: 0 / 0
 » Район: Empire Capital

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  Поставлено в рулетке: 0
  Выиграно в рулетке: 0
  Пройдено квестов: 0
  Всего боев: 1,765
  Выиграно: 1,376
  Проиграно: 389
  Всего игр: 0
  Выиграно: 0  
  Проиграно: 0  
  Рыцарь: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Некромант: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Маг: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Эльф: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Варвар: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Темный эльф: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Демон: 7 (1342.15) +257.8
  Гном: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Степной варвар: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Фараон: 0 (0.00) +20.0

  Гильдия Охотников: 5 (926.20) +273.8
  Гильдия Рабочих: 8 (9445) +2555
  Гильдия Картежников: 0 (0) +10
  Гильдия Воров: 3 (246) +154
  Гильдия Рейнджеров: 0 (0)
  Гильдия Наемников: 1 (63) +57
  Гильдия Тактиков: 0 (0.00) +150.0
  Гильдия Стражей: 0 (0.0)
  Гильдия Искателей: 0 (0) +1600
  Гильдия Лидеров: 0 (0) +80.0
  Гильдия Кузнецов: 0 (0.00) +30.0
  Гильдия Оружейников: 0 (0) +104 (+)
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Russia, Rostov-on-Don
06-07-10 12:15: Received 6510 gold from Empire : Scored among 10% highest results in the 14th Survival tournament among combat level 6 paticipants, faction Demons!
06-07-10 12:15: Received 10594 gold from Empire : Achieved high ranking in the 14th Survival tournament among combat level 6 participants, faction Demons! Second place.
06-23-10 16:13: Received 10194 gold from Empire : Scored among 10% highest results in the 15th Survival tournament among combat level 7 paticipants, faction Demons!
06-23-10 16:13: Received 18108 gold from Empire : Achieved high ranking in the 15th Survival tournament among combat level 7 participants, faction Demons! First place.
07-06-10 14:02: Received 10711 gold from Empire : Scored among 10% highest results in the 16th Survival tournament among combat level 7 paticipants, faction Demons!
07-06-10 14:02: Received 17920 gold from Empire : Achieved high ranking in the 16th Survival tournament among combat level 7 participants, faction Demons! First place.
07-24-10 02:57: Received 10656 gold from Empire : Scored among 10% highest results in the 17th Survival tournament among combat level 7 paticipants, faction Demons!
07-24-10 02:57: Received 18091 gold from Empire : Achieved high ranking in the 17th Survival tournament among combat level 7 participants, faction Demons! First place.
08-04-10 14:27: Received 6955 gold from Empire : Achieved high ranking in the 18th Survival tournament among combat level 8 participants, faction Demons! Third place.
Combat level: 9 (1111177) +538823
Combat level: 9 (1127712) +522288
03-06-11 16:30: Received 8160 gold from Empire : Achieved high ranking in the 32 Survival tournament among combat level 10 participants, faction Demons! Third place. +7 HG points. 
2007-2024, онлайн игры HeroesWM