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76,973  25144013730
  Написать письмоВ последний раз был 22:17 27-03-10  
 » Боевой уровень: 9 (1,067,960) +582,040

 » Готовность армии: 100%
 » Мана: 20 / 20
 » Район: Empire Capital

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  Поставлено в рулетке: 0
  Выиграно в рулетке: 0
  Пройдено квестов: 0
  Всего боев: 1,524
  Выиграно: 1,313
  Проиграно: 211
  Всего игр: 80
  Выиграно: 44 
  Проиграно: 36 
  Абразив: 16
  Осколок метеорита: 1
  Цветок ведьм: 1
  Цветок ветров: 2
  Ядовитый гриб: 16

  Кожа: 5
  Рыцарь: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Некромант: 5 (481.01) +19.0
  Маг: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Эльф: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Варвар: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Темный эльф: 5 (360.64) +139.4
  Демон: 0 (1.30) +18.7
  Гном: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Степной варвар: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Фараон: 0 (0.00) +20.0

  Гильдия Охотников: 5 (785.51) +414.5
  Гильдия Рабочих: 5 (2498) +502
  Гильдия Картежников: 2 (44) +16
  Гильдия Воров: 2 (166) +74
  Гильдия Рейнджеров: 0 (0)
  Гильдия Наемников: 2 (121) +179
  Гильдия Тактиков: 0 (0.00)
  Гильдия Стражей: 0 (0.0)
  Гильдия Искателей: 0 (0) +1600
  Гильдия Лидеров: 0 (0) +80.0
  Гильдия Кузнецов: 1 (55.92) +24.1
  Гильдия Оружейников: 0 (0) +104 (+)
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Личная информация
*3.8.(The fact of logging multiple characters in the game from one computer must be by all means shown in the "character information" of all those characters with explanation of reason (relatives, friends, playing from a computer club etc).
AlanMartel, GraftVirion, Tiamat, Vortex - we are all good friends, we often play from 1 PC, besides we can play from one local net, so probably IP will be same.
Ive read all the rules and totally agree to them.*

***Dont ask me for money please!!! I wont answer these letters!!! Try to learn how to earn money by yourself!!!***

***http://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id= after that write number of clan you are willing to join - and you will get entire info about that clan***

***If you help me in hunt i wont pay you for that, you will have your points in hunting skill and exp. Of course i wont demand gold if i help you ( i wont object if u decided to reward my pains). The only exeption when i pay you - if you were really helpful and i decided to reward you. In fact i help you only because you are in trouble and need some help.***

***Hate AFK-ers. If you cant finish what you have started - DONT JOIN MY BATTLE! With all my losses im obliged to them.***

***Always fighting till the end, till the last breath! You came here to fight - SO FIGHT! Flee - is for cowards.***
***One of my toughest battles http://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=11248922 ***

***27 JULY 2009 - switched from Necro to Dark Elf***

*** http://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=13538240*** --- very close hunt) 
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